Are you on the 'net? Getting bored on a weekend with all those trips to
the pub and what have you? Get yourself some IRC software and join two
elderly Amiga-dudes as they wibble their way through any topic you care
to mention.
Yes folks, Phil!97 (previously Phil!87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95 and 96 of Dual Format, NEO and NFA) and myself (once known as Freak/The Management and then NFA) will be online on the DALnet IRC channel:
every Saturday night from 10pm until 1 in the morning, talking about all the news and views that affect wibblers today, including Veggies, BT and the Trouble with Teletubbies, why not join us? We might even touch upon topics like particle physics and the shape of salad cream bottles. Get your IRC software and log on to any DALnet server, either Bristol or London for preference, then join us by typing the following:
It's that easy! You can discuss any topic you like as long as it's cool or humourous, crap jokes are always appreciated and bad language upsets nobody, so get that s/ware loaded up, log on to the net, and join in! A local rate 3-hr call will cost you just 1.80, with Friends & Family it's 1.62 and on Premierline it's just 1.35. Cable surfers can stay for the duration for much less, currently around 77p on Diamond! So there's really no reason not to pay a visit, come and have a larf! |